Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My Big Adventure

Today I participated in my first craft fair. My office has an annual holiday bazaar where associates and others can come in and sell their wares. I didn't know what to expect, or if people would actually pay money for what I made. I'm really pleased with the turnout. I made up a few samples in a shoulder bag and a tote, along with a couple smaller sized cosmetic bags. I brought in the fabric I had so folks could customize their bags with their own fabric choices. That turned out to be the big draw, most people went over to my fabric stash and oohed and aaahed, and that allowed me to get started on the selling. Here's a snapshot of my "booth"

Getting ready for the sale wore me out!! I worked on my samples all weekend along with my marketing materials (name, business cards, etc.) I've only gotten about 4 hours of sleep the last few nights getting ready. Jeff joked about the "sweatshop" I was working in.

I got orders for about 12 bags, so the work in the sweatshop will continue so I can have them ready by Christmas.

I also set up a storefront on etsy, check it out here I've only got one item on there now, but I hope to get more listed soon. In case you were wondering, KikiBoo is the name of one of my cats, so yes, I named my business after a kitty!!

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